If your business is using substances that are hazardous to health, you must comply with COSHH law to prevent or reduce workers’ exposure.
Most businesses use substances or products that are mixtures of substances and some processes create substances. These include paint, bleach or dust from natural materials. The best way to handle hazardous or COSHH components is to:
Find out the health hazards
Decide how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment)
Provide control measures to reduce harm to health and ensure they are used
Provide information, instruction and training for employees and others
Provide monitoring and health surveillance in appropriate cases
Plan for emergencies
Even when hazardous materials are out of sight in containers, they should never be out of mind. If not stored correctly, there could be a risk of fire, explosion, sudden release of pressure or reactivity, such as fire or the release of gases.
Where to store hazardous or COSHH components
Containers need to be air-tight to prevent fumes escaping into the air, some need to be appropriately climate controlled, all need to be clearly labelled with the manufacturer's instructions and warning labels and thought needs to be given to their proximity to other chemicals or substances. It can sometimes become difficult for a business to identify where to store hazardous or COSHH components or allocate sufficient space.
Ideally, you would want to keep as low a quantity of harmful substances as possible, utilising warehouse storage space to ensure your business premises remains safe. A COSHH risk assessment should also be performed to identify hazards and workers should have appropriate COSHH training.
PalStore provides highly secure and environmentally controlled storage for any hazardous or COSHH components and assets. Practicing 100% compliance with ADR and IATAR, we ensure complete conservation and security of your assets both in storage and transportation.
If you are unsure where to store hazardous or COSHH components get in touch today for more information on 01889 227938 or email sales@palstore.uk.